Azzi, originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, lives in Michigan, where she operates her home studio. After transitioning from a career in intellectual property law, she pursued her passion for art at the Parque Lage School of Visual Arts in Rio de Janeiro, focusing on contemporary art. She also participated in the Arte Serrinha Residency Program in São Paulo and has worked on art direction projects, as well as in graphic design and photography.
Azzi is a self-taught multimedia artist whose narrative combines wit and bold style to challenge societal norms. Her pieces transform everyday objects through decontextualization, breathing new life into them, and offering an unconventional experience for playful souls. Azzi’s creations invite viewers to reconnect with their childlike wonder and to rethink the ordinary.
She has collaborated with various architects, and her work is featured in private collections and architectural projects throughout Brazil.
She has collaborated with various architects, and her work is featured in private collections and architectural projects throughout Brazil.
Explore Azzi's Artistic Journey
"For me, creativity is the pathway to my freedom."
Everyone seems eager to fit in, moving in the same direction like an endless procession. I often find myself laughing at the notion of normality. Breaking the status quo brings me comfort. This is my way of expressing love—by disrupting the mundanity and seriousness of everyday life.
Satire fuels my smile, and decontextualization serves as my tool for simplifying life’s complexities. Ironically, I chose wood—a complex, hard, and scarce material—as my primary medium to manifest what goes on in my mind.
My practice also embraces other materials, such as leather, plastic, and iron, as well as photography, videos, and image manipulation. Today, it’s less about the materials themselves, but whether they challenge how we live, think, learn, see, and conform. It’s about stirring things up a bit.
Satire fuels my smile, and decontextualization serves as my tool for simplifying life’s complexities. Ironically, I chose wood—a complex, hard, and scarce material—as my primary medium to manifest what goes on in my mind.
My practice also embraces other materials, such as leather, plastic, and iron, as well as photography, videos, and image manipulation. Today, it’s less about the materials themselves, but whether they challenge how we live, think, learn, see, and conform. It’s about stirring things up a bit.